A promise made amidst fall colors...

The setting was simple, a light warm breeze, the faint rustling of crunchy leaves, sunlight glinting off the still water at the breathtaking Brazeau Dam. The music starts. The limited guests turn and look, Keven's face opens in a genuine grin as his wife-to-be follows the narrow path to greet him...

Wendy and Keven tied the knot on the first day of hunting season, Sept 17 2022. They opted to elope, with only immediate family present. Their arbor was handmade using materials gathered from the beautiful woods surrounding the area. They carefully fashioned hunting elements to the pillars and adorned the peak with a deer skull and two green arrows. Before the ceremony, Wendy and I walked the area to scout picture locations. We stopped at the arbor, Wendy laughed, musing at the arrows. As we meandered back to their camp site she tells me Keven is off collecting firewood for the BBQ after the ceremony.

We got super lucky with weather on this fall day, it had been raining hard the day before, but the ground was dry, and the air was fresh. Clouds covered the sky making ideal lighting for the location. I could hear laughter and chatter around me as I captured images of the smaller details, dress, rings, shoes, and jewelry. A pair of beautiful antler earrings by Dainty Field Co really caught my attention, so unique. Her flowers, done by Nature's Garden out of Drayton Valley, created the beautiful, fall inspired, rust color bouquet.

As the time drew nearer, Wendy slipped into her dress and had a dear friend lace up the corset for her; mother in her thoughts. Her father waited for her around the corner as she placed the final pieces of jewelry on and went to meet him.

She places her hand on his left shoulder and he turns to look at her. At first, his face is still, then slowly he cracks a smile. They hug and laugh, and soak in the moment.

I head to the ceremony where I see Keven laughing and posing for pictures. Soon we hear the music and everyone looks to see the bride coming down the narrow path with her father and dog, a hush falls over the guests.

The music stops abruptly and the crowd laughs. Wendy and Keven take their places and look at each other while the officiant begins.

The ceremony is short and sweet, their son presenting the rings. With a little extra effort, Wendy places Keven's ring on his finger, and they promise that they would take each other through sickness and health; and have their first kiss as husband and wife.


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Vendors List

Photographer: Lexi Cuthill, Color Pop Photography

Hair & Make-up: Lazy A Artistry

Flowers: Natures Garden

Earrings: Dainty Field Co.

Keven's Ring: Staghead Design Jewelry

Wendy's Ring: Premier Jewlers